Dr Eva Natural Skincare Tea Tree Soap
I met Dr. Eva (https://drevaskincare.com/) at the local farmer's market here in Charlottesville, Virginia where I sell my artwork and became interested in her line of soaps. After speaking with her I asked her to come up with a line of soaps I could sell for the BJJ community and this is what she came up with. Vegan, Cruelty-Free, and All Natural these soaps will help get the matt gunk off of your body. We call this soap, Dr Eva Natural Skincare Tea Tree Soap and it really works for me.
What is Tea Tree Oil:
Tea tree oil, also known as melaleuca oil, is an essential oil that comes from steaming the leaves of the Australian tea tree. When used topically, tea tree oil is believed to be antibacterial. Tea tree oil is commonly used to treat acne, athlete's foot, lice, nail fungus and insect bites.
For years now it has been used in the BJJ community to rid ourselves of the matt gunk and germs. I keep a bar of it in my shower for every roll session.
Who is Dr. Eva?
Dr. Eva Skincare’s journey began with a problem looking for a solution. Eva had a long history of dealing with acne and allergies. Finding skincare products that worked for her, —and did not make her break out even more— seemed an impossible challenge. Eventually, she took matters into her own hands! As a scientist with a Ph.D. from Oxford University, she began developing her own formulations. Natural, vegan products that helped her, her family and friends solve a variety of skin problems, without harsh chemicals.
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